Saturday 22 March 2014


This is the 1988 range of TDK cassettes. I omitted
the MA-XG as there was technically no new version that year.
These cassettes are of various time lengths as I don't actually
have all the versions in all the time lengths! I think the 1988
range was the pinnacle as they got pretty boring looking and
not as well-sounding after that.

Type I
D, AD, AR and AR-X
The AR and AR-X are high quality Type I cassettes
that offered Type II like highs with great bass.

Type II
SF, I love the 46s with the big hubs. SA, I own more SA cassettes
than any other type and the SA-X, with it's classy shiny shell. There
is also by this time an SA-XG for the U.S. market in 1986/87 but
not a new 1988 version.

Type IV
The fabulous MA and one of my all time favourites,
the MA-X 46 with it's dead cool shell and big hubs!
These metal tapes are as good as it gets my friends!

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